Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Tips For Writing A Cultural Identity Essay Topic

Tips For Writing A Cultural Identity Essay TopicIn case you're planning to write an essay about a specific subject, consider the cultural identity essay topics to help you as a writer. The essay is a form of writing for humanities and social sciences students who are interested in how to portray certain people or group from different cultures. You can also offer a special insight into your culture. It is suggested that this essay should have a book length in order to be able to cater to all the various needs.If you want to make sure that you include certain questions for your essay, you can approach the teacher who teaches your class. You can ask for a class analysis regarding the subjects you're going to talk about. A lot of these essays are put together for humanities students, so it is always better to ask for help from someone else when it comes to choosing the right essay topic. Besides that, there are other essays that you can consider as well, so choose the one that is best fo r you. To be able to get a good essay for you, you have to know what questions to ask your reader, especially if it is a family member or a friend.Cultural identity essay topics are suggested especially if you're a teenager. When it comes to preparing for high school, you might have to decide whether you want to apply for college. Knowing how to impress admissions officers is one thing you should do prior to getting accepted. For this, you should prepare yourself with a complete essay about your background, beliefs, hobbies, talents, and other characteristics that would make you special. These things would not only impress your admissions officer but also give your prospective classmates and friends a glimpse of your personality.Cultural identity essay topics could be any type. For example, if you're considering becoming a dancer, you could choose to write about your interests in ballet. You could also include information on choreography if you have interest in this particular dance form. You could also discuss issues and causes such as obesity-related diseases. You could also write about your desire to have more children if you plan to have more than one child in the future. If you're planning to pursue a higher education degree, you can also include some of your college essays.There are several essay topics you can include in your essay. This will help you develop as a writer since you can include plenty of information on your essay that can be useful to other people. As long as you have enough details about your essay topic, you will be able to make sure that you will have a complete essay that will surely impress your readers. Remember that the essays are used for students' thesis papers, so include all the things about your subject. The essay should also be very interesting and something worth reading.The background information you provide to your reader is going to be very important. Many people appreciate it when you explain what motivated you to learn about certain issues. You could also include a few personal anecdotes and also a list of your thoughts and ideas. A good essay is what the reader should be left with after you finish your essay.Essays are one of the best ways to learn how to write an essay. This is because the essays are useful for learning how to write a thesis.

Saturday, May 16, 2020

Effective Assessment Methods Help The Learner And The...

Effective Assessment Practices Assessment is a very important and crucial step in the learning process. Effective assessment methods help the learner and the educator identify learning needs and also the effectiveness of the education program being given. There are advantages and disadvantages to these methods. Educators use a myriad of assessment methods to help them identify what the learners are retaining and also to help guide the education program. Students can use assessment methods to reflect on their learning and collaborate with educators to identify learning goals. Strategies such as rubrics, case studies, simulation, observation, and performance checklists are assessment methods. This paper will discuss the effectiveness of rubrics, case studies, and simulation. Rubrics Rubrics are one of the many assessment methods used to assess and evaluate a student’s work. A rubric clearly identifies what is expected from the student on an assignment (Watland, 2012). In addition, rubrics can be utilized as a method of providing direct feedback to the students by evaluating the quality of a skill performed or a specific outcome (Birky, 2012). Birky also states that rubrics provided great versatility in assessing things such as teacher effectiveness, student performance, and quality of programs. These are some of the advantages when utilizing rubrics. The rubric is divided into smaller sections with detailed explanations of what the educator expects. The educator canShow MoreRelatedThe Adult Learner Essay On Learning Styles1437 Words   |  6 PagesAdult Learner Essay on Learning Styles Between the practice of education and the conducting of research in educational psychology, there is a divide that has formed around the effectiveness of utilizing learning styles while teaching and learning. Learning styles are defined as an individual’s mode of gaining knowledge, especially a preferred or best method (Learning Styles). 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Me as a Writer - 940 Words

As a writer, I think that I am not as good as I thought I was back in high school. I see myself as a student who tries their best, but makes â€Å"B† average work. I have never really taken the time to relate to my papers. I always just wrote what the teacher wanted and handed it in. In my mind, I never really liked trying to explain in full detail what something meant. Back in high school, my teachers always wanted me to explain my writing in such depth that a kindergartener would understand why Romeo and Juliet is a tragedy. Trying to explain my writing was always very tiring. I often would get bored trying to explain and just stop writing and do something else for a while. Most of the time in high school I didn’t like writing. Mainly†¦show more content†¦One way to calm my inner critic is a quote from Allegra Goodman’s article called Calming the Inner Critic and Getting to Work on page 309. â€Å"Love your material. Nothing frightens the inner critic more than the writer who loves her work. The writer who is enamored of her material forgets all about censoring herself. She doesn’t stop to wonder if her book is any good, or who will publish it, or what people will think. She writes in a trance, losing track of time, hearing only her characters in her head.† What this means to me is that if I truly let my mind go and only focus on the material, I will be able to write the paper without having my inner critic confuse me. In an article called The Composing Processes of Unskilled College Writers by Sondra Pearl on page 201, there is a strategy that I used to help with writing a paper. â€Å"Given any topic, the first operation he performed was to focus in and narrow down the topic. He did this by rephrasing the topic until either a word or an idea in the topic linked up with something in his own experience (an attitude, an opinion, an event). In this way he established a connection between the field of discourse and h imself and at this point he felt ready to write.† The strategy that he uses to organize his thoughts is the same way I start my papers. I start with just words that relate to the topic and figure out how to put them in my writing so they make sense to theShow MoreRelatedJournal Entry 1 : Me, A Writer?1845 Words   |  8 PagesJournal Entry 1: Me, A Writer? Attitude: After reading chapters 1-4 in my textbook my attitude toward completing this course is optimistic. Writing has always been one of my weaker skills and I am hoping to improve my skills drastically after completing this course. I know the improvement will only come after lots of practice. Just as the common phrase says, practice makes perfect! Being required to take this course will only improve my skills. 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020


BABY FACE NELSON DEAD:LIFE IN REVIEW Essay BABY FACE NELSON DEAD: LIFE IN REVIEWBaby Face Nelsons shredded body was discovered today, lying naked in a ditch near Niles, Illinois, after a deadly encounter with 2 FBI agents yesterday, November 27,1934. The FBI agents, Sam Cowley and Herman Hollis, were also tragically killed in the crossfire. Baby Face Nelson, real name was Lester M. Gillis. He went by many other aliases such as George Nelson, Alex Gillis, and Big George. He grew up with the Chicago street gangs, which is where his gang members named him Baby Face Nelson, despite the fact that he hated it. By the age of 14 he was stealing cars. In his teens he took part in stealing tires, running stills, bootlegging, and armed robbery. In 1922, he was committed to a boys home for auto theft. Two years later he was released on parole, but returned in 5 months for a similar charge. He meet Helen Wawzynak in 1928, and later married her. In January of 1931 he robbed a bank in Chicago, Illinois, and was sent to prison for one year t o life. He escaped and came to Sausalito, California. There he met John Paul Chase. Nelson worked with Chase as an armed guard for the truck used to transport illegal liquor. Together, they moved to Reno, Nevada, where Nelson had killed a person for being a witness to the United States mail fraud case. In 1933 Nelson, and his new friends, Tommy Carrol and Eddie Green robbed banks in Iowa, Nebraska, and Wisconsin. Most of the blame for these went to Dillanger and his gang. A year later Dillanger joined gangs with Nelson. On March 4,1934, Nelson got in a car accident which was his fault. The other driver got out of his car and started to yell at Nelson, who pulled out his gun and shot the driver three times in the head, and then sped off. Two days later the Dillenger- Gillis gang robbed a bank in Sioux City, South Dakota. The very next day, he robbed another bank in Mason City, Iowa, killing one employee and leaving with $52,000. On April 22,dozens of FBI agents surrounded the Little Bohemia lodge in Northern Wisconsin, where Nelson and his gang were staying. Each of the gang members escaped except for Baby Face Nelson, who stayed to shoot it out with the agents. The FBI, in trying to shoot Nelson, accidentally killed 1 innocent bystander and injured 2 others. Nelson, escaped through the back of the hotel. As he was escaping, he came across two state troopers and an FBI agent. He stuck his gun through the window and said, I need your car. I understand you guys wear bullet proof vests, so Im going to shoot low. He then killed the FBI agent, and injured the other two. After escaping, he hid out in an Indian Reservation. Nelson then became Public enemy number one. Then on November 27,1934, two FBI agents, Cowley and Hollis spotted Nelsons car, along a country road near Fox River Grove, Illinois. In the car was his wife, Helen Gillis, and John Paul Chase, his best friend and a fellow gangster. They began a wild chase with bullets flying in both directions. Nelson then stopped the car just outside of Barrington, and Helen ran to a nearby field to hide. Nelson was carrying a machine gun and his partner Chase with a BAR. Hollis crouched behind the car with a shotgun and Cowly threw himself into a ditch carrying a machine gun. Nearby construction workers dropped to the floor, as the agents and Nelson began to fire. After several minutes of shooting, Nelson dropped his gun to his side and started to walk towards the two agents, while being shot at. I never seen nothing like it, explained one of the witnesses. That fellow (Nelson) just came right a-coming at them two lawmen and they must a hit im plenty a times, but nothin was gonna stop that fellow . Actually it was 17 times that Nelson was struck, but he continued to steal the FBI car and back it up to his wife and Chase. He then said to Chase, Youll have to drive. Ive been hit. They dumped his body 20 miles away, and stripped it so that it could not be easily identified. .u63391254f302a29a47f3fa6200d0a267 , .u63391254f302a29a47f3fa6200d0a267 .postImageUrl , .u63391254f302a29a47f3fa6200d0a267 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u63391254f302a29a47f3fa6200d0a267 , .u63391254f302a29a47f3fa6200d0a267:hover , .u63391254f302a29a47f3fa6200d0a267:visited , .u63391254f302a29a47f3fa6200d0a267:active { border:0!important; } .u63391254f302a29a47f3fa6200d0a267 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u63391254f302a29a47f3fa6200d0a267 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u63391254f302a29a47f3fa6200d0a267:active , .u63391254f302a29a47f3fa6200d0a267:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u63391254f302a29a47f3fa6200d0a267 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u63391254f302a29a47f3fa6200d0a267 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u63391254f302a29a47f3fa6200d0a267 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u63391254f302a29a47f3fa6200d0a267 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u63391254f302a29a47f3fa6200d0a267:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u63391254f302a29a47f3fa6200d0a267 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u63391254f302a29a47f3fa6200d0a267 .u63391254f302a29a47f3fa6200d0a267-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u63391254f302a29a47f3fa6200d0a267:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: The Sound Of Ghostface Killah Shattering Preconceived Notions Of Art And The Modern Aesthetic EssayJohn Paul Chase will serve time in the state penitentiary, and Helen Gillis will spend a year in the Madison, Wisconsin, womens prison. As for Lester M. Gillis, also know as Baby Face Nelson, he received the greatest punishment of all: Death.